Useful links and contacts
- Part of the national Business Link network, providing help and support for small businesses throughout England.
- Cornwall Enterprise is the Economic Development Service for Cornwall County Council, working to secure prosperity for all parts of the county. They work in partnership with the key economic development agencies including the South West Regional Development Agency, Government Office South West and the Objective One Partnership.
- Cornwall Taste of the West – Cornwall’s own office of Taste of the West, the regional food group for the South West. Operating a trade development programme marketing grants and, in conjunction with Business Link, capital grants for small and medium sized food and drink enterprises in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
- Cornwall Tourist Board Membership Hotline: 01872 322905
- Internet directory of Cornish businesses.
- Enterprise Edge – The Cornwall Business Information Service or call: 0800 052 3942
- The guide to the range of business advice, support and finance services available to (small) businesses in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
- Listings of Cornish food and drink, farmers’ markets, farm shops and much more.
- The Objective One Partnership for Cornwall and Scilly or call the Helpline: 0800 0280 120 Agricultural Task Force – contact 01872 322800
- Southwest Food and Drink Skills Network. Skills and Training Advisory service for food and drink manufacturers/producers in the Southwest. One-to-one support for you and your staff to assist in raising skills and future prospects within the food and drink industry. Call Tina Boydell on 01209 722123 or 0777 5925271 or click on the link to find out more
- Providing key support for the economic development of the food and drink industry throughout the whole of the South West.

Kilhallon Quality Meats
Open Day 21st February
Kilhallon Quality Meats will be hosting an open day at their newly opened processing plant on Monday 21st February between 2pm and 8pm
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Click here for listings of support services for the food and drink industry